Metal detecting for gold nuggets requires a bit of preparation before successfully finding gold nuggets can be done. First consider the following … [Read more...]
Why do flooding and fires affect placer gold?
Why do flooding and fires affect gold concentration? You may have heard me mention that floods are the primary agent of movement for concentrating … [Read more...]
Gold panning after GPAA Gold show – Gold panning adventure!
Gold panning & Gold sniping, Fun after the GPAA Gold show... Here's the video about our Gold panning & sniping demonstration after GPAA gold … [Read more...]
How to find gold using rocks and minerals video
Here's the video on the relationship between rocks, minerals and gold. Note the few essential mineral types you need to watch for, these include; … [Read more...]
How to find gold, using a few common placer gold rocks and minerals
Know how to find gold easily by watching out for just a handful of gold related rocks and minerals: Where you're hunting for gold; rocks and … [Read more...]