Hi, it’s Gold Prospector Jess;
Here at Hunting4Gold.com – We have the following promise for you:
Our promise is simply to supply you with the best gold prospecting information and gold getting know-how that we have about how to find gold. We’ll teach you both the “where” and the “how” to look for gold when you are out hunting for gold. This is not just how to use the tools, but where & how to find gold.
Yes, You’ll need preparation for using that set of tools. We’ll provide training for getting those skills too.
The #1 problem facing all Gold prospectors is quite simple;
Where’s the Gold?
But …
Just like in the Gold Rush of 1849 – Without knowing where gold can be found; simply buying & using the prospecting & mining tools will only make your hands, back and shoulders sore and the hardware suppliers rich!
We know that’s a tall order, because we looked for gold prospecting information about finding gold ourselves. There are lots of free resources come from all different directions and all kinds of opinions, but seldom do they actually explain what it takes and how to find gold. It seems like it would be simple, but it’s not unless you have a mentor. Someone act as a guide through the adventure of gold prospecting.
In my life I’ve had several such gold and geology mentors first beginning college with my training in geology and mineralogy. But that’s not where the real know-how came from, the real know-how of gold prospecting came from my dear friend Joshua, who showed me just how much fun hunting for gold can be. His knowledge wasn’t just a textbook sort. It was skill and art in action. Through his eyes. I learned to read a creek and look for paid leads and pocket placers. He was a character, the kind of person you won’t soon forget. More on him later.
Back to that promise to get you the best gold finding resources available. I have found them rather visual in my learning ability, as well as my teaching ability. So for me the best way to explain or express something complicated is to use a visual medium, such as pictures or better yet video. So much of the content you’re going to find on this site uses video. Often the videos will be of me or my family carrying out the very skills that you want to learn. That way, you can quickly learn how to find gold efficiently and effectively in a very short time. That’s the best kind of mentoring by having fun doing. After all, gold prospecting adventures should be fun!
The other thing we give free access training through questions and answers, as well as a fee-based subscription program for the serious training of prospectors. We plan to give web access to all of this material and more. One of the things I learned about teaching is to listen to what your students need. Ask what they want to know, then answer it. And that’s how the question-and-answer sessions began. Early on were the most profound questions that I’ve been asked. Seems quite simple and yet, I realized no one is providing this seems to this question: “Where can I find gold near me?” The answer to this question is what the site hunting for gold.com is dedicated to.
Hunting for gold is all about helping you find what gold is near you (if possible.)
Prospector Jess