I was just asked this great gold finding question –
“Hey Prospector Jess,
What should I do in the winter to prepare for this upcoming year [of prospecting]?”
Great question — While snow falls or rivers are in flood stage what do you do next? Of course you’ll want to steer clear of any rivers in flood. But what do you do in the meantime?
Depending on your skill and desire to learn more you can and should consider these activities:
Here are five useful indoor prospecting activities you can do:
1. Research locations & maps, local geology, water flow records, claims, etc.
2. Get a pan and tub to practice speed panning, clean last year’s concentrates, etc.
3. Learn more about gold characteristics and how to locate it with a pan or sluice box.
4. Plan out your spring, summer and fall prospecting ventures into the wild. Picking out likely places for gold to concentrate based on history, geology, water and other clues… You should do this way before you think about what tools to use.
5. You’ll want to brush up on your skills and watch some DVD’s or online videos that teach you how & why gold concentrates etc. Take notes, and think about what you are going to do next.
What changes to your prospecting methods will help you find more gold? List your answers in a bucket list and start skill improvements there.
Look at what’s in this set of DVD’s which cover items 1-5: https://hunting4gold.com/gold/collection/
Anyway I’d like to know, what are you doing now to get ready to find gold this year?
Good Prospecting,
Prospector Jess
P.S. This set of 5 DVDs includes many of the most popular gold prospecting videos I have. So far the comments have honestly been both exciting and humbling because I have had so much positive feedback.
I believe you will be just as excited as the people who took this offer and bought “The Gold Prospector’s DVD Collection.”
Anyway, you get all 5 gold prospecting DVD’s shipped right to the door, and you can watch them on your TV, computer, or any device that can play DVDs, at home or in the field. Watch this video for more…
Check it out now, just click here to watch the video & learn more – https://hunting4gold.com/gold/collection/
Glad to have found your website, very enjoyable!