Here's the three big questions and answers about finding gold Now lets get on to those big questions and my answers... Here's a list of the three … [Read more...]
A gold finding tip that can make you quake in your boots
A gold finding tip that can make you quake in your boots - It's Gold's Fault! BAM! Rumble.. The ground started rocking and rolling. I was jolted … [Read more...]
How to find gold when it’s raining cats and dogs
I was just asked this great gold finding question - "Hey Prospector Jess, What should I do in the winter to prepare for this upcoming year … [Read more...]
How quickly the price of gold will shift
Take a look at the world around you, it's interesting to observe how quickly the price of gold will shift given a few political words followed by the … [Read more...]
Why do flooding and fires affect placer gold?
Why do flooding and fires affect gold concentration? You may have heard me mention that floods are the primary agent of movement for concentrating … [Read more...]