Have you ever asked,
“Just where does placer gold go in a storm?”
When looking for placer gold, keep track of the basics, don’t worry if it doesn’t completely make sense at first. Gradually we’ll cover all the knowledge you need & I’ll show how to quickly polish your placer gold prospecting skills and how to do gold mining right.
You can review this video again when you need to. There are more videos and related prospecting posts that we will queue up for you soon, now that you have joined us at Hunting4Gold.com.
Comments are moderated so; please be respectful of one another.
No brawling allowed on this here gold claim! 😉
Of course – Ask your questions in the “speak your mind” comments below too…
By understanding the simple principles I show, you will be able to begin the process of knowing ‘what moves placer gold’ and more importantly ‘how placer gold acts when it moves.’
We’ll revisit this vital prospecting topic of where placer gold goes in a storm again later and build upon the concepts with more videos and pictures.
For now Enjoy and Good Prospecting!
Prospector Jess
PS. Your Video Posts are Below!
PPS. Personal Use Only – (c) 2011 DoradoVista, Inc. All Rights Reserved… 😉
Now let’s look at “Where does placer gold go in a storm?”
Note: H4G- Placer gold prospecting videos are typically divided into several 4 to 8 min segments.
Feel free to skip forward on any part you’ve seen. I suggest repeat watching to get the big picture though.
1st Video Parts 1 & 2 of 8: “Where does placer gold go in a storm?”
[jwplayer file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-1-Lo.mp4 hd.file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-1-Hi.mp4 html5_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-1-Lo.mp4 download_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-1-Lo.mp4 image=https://hunting4gold.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Gold-in-Storms.jpg]
2nd Video Parts 3 & 4 of 8: “Where does placer gold go in a storm?”
(Free “Gold Finder’s Report” members only – See the rest join today!)
[private Gold finders report]
[jwplayer file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-2-Lo.mp4 hd.file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-2-Hi.mp4 html5_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-2-Lo.mp4 download_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-2-Lo.mp4 image=https://hunting4gold.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Gold-in-Storms.jpg]
3rd Video Parts 5 & 6 of 8: “Where does placer gold go in a storm?”
[private Gold finders report]
[jwplayer file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-3-Lo.mp4 hd.file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-3-Hi.mp4 html5_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-3-Lo.mp4 download_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-3-Lo.mp4 image=https://hunting4gold.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Gold-in-Storms.jpg]
4th Video Parts 7 & 8 of 8: “Where does placer gold go in a storm?”
[private Gold finders report]
[jwplayer file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-4-Lo.mp4 hd.file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-4-Hi.mp4 html5_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-4-Lo.mp4 download_file=https://hunting4gold.com.s3.amazonaws.com/videos/Video-Posts/Gold-in-storms/Gold-in-storm-vid-4-Lo.mp4 image=https://hunting4gold.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Gold-in-Storms.jpg]
Another source of free gold prospecting video content can be found by subscribing to my “Prospector Jess” YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ProspectorJess?feature=mhee
Link for sign up disabled?????
Unable to find any link to sign up for membership…please advise
Hi Jess, Love your teaching and videos. I live in upstate NY, the Penn Yan area,(14527). Where would be the closest place for me to try out your techniques? Where could I start to Pan from my area which has never been mined before as my history books show. Appreciate any leads, Sincerely, Tim
Psalm 90:17
Hi Jess,
I’m signed up and have been getting your emails, but I did not get a pass word to the site? Please advise.
Thanks Dan
Trying to teach an old dog new tricks. Never had a computer before and very interested in prospecting. I have been trying to go once a week prospecting by myself. So far I have found black sand and minimal micro gold.. The knowledge you have given me has been invaluable. I just hope I can remember it when I am out in the field. Thank you Jess
I always wanted to mine something when I was a boy. I grew up in WV but wanted a Ruby mine. Later I heard about Jim Comstock and the Comstock lode. I grew up watching men pan for gold on TV, and saw a documentary on how gold comes up from the molten metals in volcanos which might be undersea and later get pushed up into mountains. I know the gold gets washed down from the Mother Lode in the mountains, and that you can follow it back up stream to the Mother Lode. So I understand why Parker Schnabel found gold on the top of a mountain, when he didn’t find it at bedrock. But Tony Beets had told him to never move any dirt unless he drilled enough to know where there was gold first. Parker ignored that and just drilled until he found bedrock, but no gold! Anyway, I am listening to u and am disabled without a car so am stuck in NJ now. I hope to get out of here (alive) and travel some before I die, so would be happy to meet u and wish I were out West where I could find gold. I think there is a formation in Crater Lake, Phantom Island, which looks like the same kind of formation in Cyprus where there are copper mines. Copper and gold often occur together, since copper, gold and silver all come up as ions in the underwater volcanoes. Only problem is Crater Lake, in Oregon, is a National Park. I predict there is gold there, or at least Copper. In any case, there is some kind of metal there, maybe even silver. Funny how gold is worth more than either, but silver is used in industry a lot and is going up in price and people steal copper, and it is used in wiring, so is important. Keep up the good work and hope to see more of u. Maybe we can meet in the future.
say dan iam going to grimes creek for the hole summer your more than welcome to prospect right next to me we the club have 6 claims with placier gold email me back can give you more info rich
PJ. Thank you. You have much knowledge to share and, I along with all others before me on your site, are thankfull indeed. It’s winter and all is frozen here in the northeast kingdom of Vermont. I have obtained much knowledge in my research quest. Now however, I have found you and my knowledge is getting a boost to say the least. As you may know, Hurricane Irene ripped through our state. I come from an area that was hit hard (Cold River is in this area) and will be returning to that area soon, before spring. Looking forward to putting your teaching to work. THANK YOU!!!
Here I am again!
It is now July 2nd. and, I am back in the area I spoke of above. I am finding that what hurricane Irene did here is sadly making it very hard to find the gold. This storm moved stuff the size of ledge. It deposited so much that I feel as though I will have to dig eight feet or more to even come close to bed rock. So far, I have found nothing. Tons of jet black sand.
Wish Prospector Jess was here to take me out in person. Bet he could find it!!!
Well, Jess
I’ve really enjoyed your “Prospecting for gold” videos. Last Summer I visited an area of southern Quebec Province which is renown for fairly high concentrations of placer gold and where a 67 oz nugget has been found. I wish! LOL………….This river which is in Asbestos mining country and the land surounding it has been extensively explored by Bowmore mining Corp. One of several tributaries of the Nicolete River mostly on bedrock with beautiful gravel bars and just saturated with thousands of potholes in a very hard bedrock. But apparently I have been exploring the wrong areas of the river and have found “Zilch” gold wise.
After surfing hundreds of “How To” videos I had a friend fabricate two 12 x 60″ highbanker sluice boxes and seven 9″ x 36″ sluice boxes for my girl scouts to use. I also made a 12″ x 24″ vibrating table for processing 50 to 200 mesh gold bearing material. ( I have yet to try it out) It is similar to Angus Mackirk’s “Orofino” table.
I should be taking my scouts gold panning on the Wild Amanousuc River in the White Mountains of NH.
I have found a couple ounces in Vermont, but, the owner of the property has closed the area to gold panning because someone had been river bank moss mining which is illegal.
Looking forward to a more productive Summer. Have a good day!
Great training…..
where could i find gold in north alabama
Love the Videos, I want too know more so I can get out there and find some good gold with my son, he started this adventure. Now seems I’m the one more into it and he loves it, and this is just getting things ready too go out too find places to pan and sluice. Thanks Alot Jess, seems like we’ve found a great thing we can do together and at him being 16 it’s been awhile since we did things together!
As a newbie, wannabe prospector, I have been looking all over for pertinent videos and reviews that I could use on my first prospecting trip (date unknown at the moment). This is the best I have seen so far. Thank you Jess for the information.
This is far the best site on prospecting, PERIOD.
Every little piece of information is as valuable as nuggets to us newbies, and finding so many in one place with the clear explanations is like striking the line of deposits on the inside of the helical current line. Thanx,
SI New Zealand
Hey Jess, I haven’t received my free username and password codes to login.
Hello . I am from Kosova(near Albania) we have a lot of rivers in my city and i just wanted to know if even here to have gold in kosova
bye bye
Hi Prospector Jess
What a great website, thank you so much for your time and effort in putting this informative site together.
Have been searching the web for ages and your site is fantastic. Lots to learn about!! Great fun learning!! My hubby Michael and our friend Steve are keen ‘beginner’ prospectors in Queensland, Australia and we can certainly use your experience and knowledge. We are already having a ball prospecting, haven’t found too much yet but after viewing your videos can see where we have been going astray. I’ve asked Steve to become a member as well so keep a look out for him over the next few days.
Cheers – Nikki
Hi Prospector Jess;
Like to thank you for doing this as have learned a lot from it.
Keep up the good job.
Many Thanks,Paul
Thanks, Your kind words make it worth the effort!
Good prospecting!
Prospector Jess
Great Video Jess.
Being placer mining 2 years now, amazing how little I know about rock formations. Finding gold and your videos help reinforce the need to do lots of sampling.
BC here Van Island. Poor Oregon just got hit with a 6.0 earthquake as typing this.
Look forward to learning from you Jess.
You’re ahead of so many by simply observing the need to have a sampling process. Keep it up!
My friend and I took up mining about four years ago. we have learned that it takes more than a week vacation to do it so now we go for a month at a time.alot of rock moving to get to bedrock but well worth it when you hit it. We have found just about eight ounces in fourteen weeks of work. I wish I would have done this at a much earlier age but I am hooked!
what state was you in mark johnson
Hi PJ, Well, tomorrow came early! I was just about to close the page when I noticed a few more video’s on this page and found the rest of the series. 🙂 Very happy with what I saw! Thank you very much. It’s like Christmas……………..
Michael 🙂
Hi Jess, I’m having trouble with the series of 8 video’s. I saw the first one but, the balance says I don’t have access. I am logged in. Any idea’s?
Hi Jess, I watched as many vid’s I long as my access would allow, which wasn’t many. I did get to see the first vid of the series of eight. I’ll try again tomorrow. Thanks for all the help! I read some of the PDF files you linked to……they were very nice! Lots of info :). So, until tomorrow bye bye
I signed up to become a member.I watch the videos where does gold go in a storm.I sigend in and was wanting to watch part 2 of 1.I read i dont have access to this content,OK so do I have to be a paying member in order to watch the other part of the videos
Your account has been checked and is set up. Yes, you need the FREE username and password codes to login. I just re-sent them to you to make sure you have them (Look for SAVE in the subject line.)
NOTE: The most common cause for a login issue is that the User/Email and Password Code fields are case dependent so you need to type them exactly as you entered them (the SAVE email has them the way you typed them.)
Please let us know if you have further problems, feel free to call or email.
Thanks Jess, I found your video’s very informative.
you haven’t told a thing in the first video. not one thing. i don’t care to watch any more videos about weather. where does the gold go,,,,,that is the question. not weather
Jess, where will we find videos 5~8 of this series?
Subscribe for free and get your access code by email, then look in the members area for the rest of the 8 videos.
Here’s the Hunting4Gold sign-up page link – Click here to sign up or learn more
More free videos will be landing there soon…
Please let me know if there are any viewing or site issues, we stomp them out as soon as we hear about them 😉
Jess, I had no problem at all watching all 8 videos. They were very helpful.
Great video series … thanks for putting it together. I hadn’t known about the Helical effect before … learned something new.
I’ll have to try and find your gold videos on youtube…the interface you have here will not work for me…I have to pause a video and allow my slow connection to catch up but then the video will not resume playing…
What is your connection type & speed, and which gold prospecting video(s) were causing the problems?
Different video/player & download channels can cause different connection bandwidth issues.
I’ll get the bandwidth speed for each video checked out ASAP.
You say you use YouTube, at what resolution do you watch it?
Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/user/ProspectorJess channel for some of the videos.
Gold Note: Not all of the prospecting videos will be there though.
Thanks for your feedback,
Hi Alan I had the same problem and found out that the modem gets screwed up, so just unplug the modem and disconnect the phone line for a minute or so then plug the modem back in. That is what I had to do and it works again.
Hey Jess,
I’m not sure if you are treating us to a site simular to what we might find in the stream bed. I am having to pan pretty hard to find continuing thoughts from previous vids. I truly like the site and thank you for being a rare friend in the prospecting business. I guess for me, I would like to see a video area of all you have to view, so I can get through your wisdom in a timely fasion. Of course, I suppose as a wise old teacher, you could be treating us to a taste of tenacity we might need in the creak bed when searcing for the gold. One way or another I think I know what Don was communicating concerning finding the feeds. I keep on searching though, sooner or later I will figure out your website flow.
Thanks for the info
Wade in Kentucky
Hey Wade,
Thanks for your input too! It’s not every day I’m compared to a gold placer 😉
I’m working on making things less elusive… (sifting the video contents for starters)
The site flow is being evaluated and I see some of the issues you and Don point out and have communicated them to my web development team.
For now I am going to work at making the first few steps clearer and putting together a simple site map for you folks to use.
I did run through Don’s issue with him and discovered that the site link to all 8 “Gold in a storm videos” was not at all clearly marked.
It is now a red or blue underlined link for ease of spotting on the Free video content page (it was bold black in a bold headline – oops that made it invisible)
Keep the Q&A requests and feedback coming
Sorry to hear you’re having these problems. I’m not clear on the specific symptoms you are seeing. I’ll try contacting you by email to see how to help further. Are the video’s not starting or do they glitch or is it something else?
By the way, thanks for speaking up, unfortunately problems with technology happen; and only when people take the extra steps to provide feedback can we make the fixes for everyone. Sorry to hear you were so frustrated.
PS. Please let us know the nature of the video failure and anything you can about your video setup (bandwidth, etc.) We are attempting to cover as wide a video technology range as possible, but that sometimes creates its own set of frustrating issues. Again, thanks for the note and sorry you had such a bad experience.
PPS. If the issue appears that you do not have access, make sure to open the second email with your user login codes inside. Its the one with … – SAVE at the end of the subject line.