This video deals with the core subject of our hunt - Just what is gold? It is important to understand the nature of our golden prey. To understand … [Read more...]
The 3 Big Questions About Finding Gold
Here's the three big questions and answers about finding gold Now lets get on to those big questions and my answers... Here's a list of the three … [Read more...]
A gold finding tip that can make you quake in your boots
A gold finding tip that can make you quake in your boots - It's Gold's Fault! BAM! Rumble.. The ground started rocking and rolling. I was jolted … [Read more...]
How to find gold when it’s raining cats and dogs
I was just asked this great gold finding question - "Hey Prospector Jess, What should I do in the winter to prepare for this upcoming year … [Read more...]
How quickly the price of gold will shift
Take a look at the world around you, it's interesting to observe how quickly the price of gold will shift given a few political words followed by the … [Read more...]