The prospecting connection to panning is especially important in knowing where nuggets, pickers and fine gold come from so you can easily spot more of them while you sleuth out the source.
“Panning for the Paystreak (short)” is a short demo video what’s inside our full length gold panning & prospecting video. That full length gold panning video, called “Panning for the Paystreak”, details out much more than just how to pan for gold. The prospecting video will take you through the quick process of prospecting with a gold pan to sample for the pay-streak and carefully hunt down its source while you prospect.
To learn more about how panning is more than simply a gold separation process watch this short overview of whats in “Panning for the Pay streak!” or check out the full length video offer for more details here.
If you want to hunt down gold you must understand the clues to where it is; clues found with a pan right where you are looking. Clues that direct how to best use your gold pan. Follow the gold path with your pan quickly from start to finish. The short video only touches on the topics you need to consider when you use your gold pan in the field to hunt for gold. Of course let me know what else you want to find out for your gold prospecting quest.
The ability to follow those prospecting clues with a pan is another critical thing that separates the novice ‘gold rush’ miner from the successful pros. A bit of knowledge goes a long way when you’re gold prospecting…
To help you with that prospecting knowledge, I put together this short video showing some of the key points about panning and prospecting to find the pay streak.
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Hey Jess what type of Dewalt Vacuum do you use when you vacuum a crevice?
thank’s 4 this website… i had experience when i was in the Philippines before together with my colleague somewhere in Mindanao areas. were digging in the place to find treasure through treasure marking sign. it is possible that the treasure marking sign is real marking sign? we dig almost 3 f.t long and found some broken human skeleton covered by a suspected hard steel plate, a bronze metal square size, broken antique plate and historic broken glasses . i think it was buried 100 years ago. according to the oldest late grandmother when i had took to her lasted calendar year 2009 when she’s younger before at the age of 8 year old, she remember the Japanese men in uniform passing on that site but the site is still and have a buried same like a cemetery on that site. until such time she matured enough and nobody touch that site because with due to respect of their on tradition as uncivilized people, even now I’ve noticed on that place very far from the civilization today. a lot of people ignorance outside world.
now, the site is still untouchable and waiting for me to come back at their place. my prospect is i had a strong hunch that the site was a previous camp because the site location is plenty of file stone barrier behind the mountain and near at dead flowing river.
my concern is it possible if we continue digging on that site can we found any suspected treasure buried in the site?
in addition; a lot of treasure hunters who interest to continue digging that site but the landowner did not allowed to them.
some of them wanted to buy all of the trees surrounded in the site for 500 peso every tree.
Mr. Jess can you help me this matter how i can handle this in the future?
a million of thanks if you reply me…
I don’t think that there is anything more enjoyable in the outdoors than hunting for gold. Unless it’s hunting for gold with all of your family. When we sample is about the only time that we pan. Other than that we bring the classified material and material that comes off of the sluice or from the Dewalt Vacuum when we crevice and when we get back to camp or home. We hook up the Desert Fox and our grand daughters feed the Fox. They love to see the gold working it’s way up to the hole and drop in the bucket. It makes for a real fun family outing. We just us guys are up there then we do go through everything. Jess is so right on when it comes to sun screen or oil of any kind in the pan or on your hands. You won’t believe how the small gold floats. I’ve been really impressed with Prospector Jess and his videos and have learned a great deal from him. Thank you Jess.
Hunting gold with family and friends, especially those who have never found a big flake or nugget. That’s a big part of why I have started these prospecting courses. Spread the fun spread the word (and links)!
Thanks for your kind words.
Prospector Jess
i would love to get back to the consumes river someday.our family has a claim on a camp creek tributary their.the drive is about 10 hours from here in orange county.time away from work is a problem..mean while i do a lot hunting for black sand,, oh oh i mean gold here in the local mountains.,east fork San Gabriel river.sometimes i do been prospecting for about 4 years now and wished i discovered it 20 years ago.i think of all the clues Jess gives like finding the pay streak,finding gold in rivers,where does gold come from.i follow the examples to the tee and some times get lucky,not often enough though.its the thrill of the hunt, and getting out in Gods creation.thanks for the videos Jess…
You’re welcome for the prospecting videos. I agree with you, there’s nothing quite like gold panning along a cool stream under an open sky, except perhaps the blessings of both catching fish and panning 😉 That’s why we are good stewards and take care when we prospect and mine for gold. Gold prospecting is fun!
Hi Jess, just got on your website. Saw one of your youtube videos. It’s about time there were some videos out there with someone who knows what they’re talking about. I’ve only been on the site for a few minutes but am enjoying it a lot. My son, and nephew have been panning, sluicing and highbanking up along the Klamath River in No. Calif. I don’t think there is any cleaner, healthier recreation, or business than gold mining. It can be quite profitable besides fun. And a lot of hard work.
Keep up the good work, we’ll send you pictures of our next outing.
Thanks Len, Let us know how you do on your next gold prospecting trek. I agree with you about how great a sport it is. Outdoors & family adventure with the real potential for some serious gold fun!
Hi Jess,
I joined the New 49er’s in Happy Camp. I had a couple of claims on the middle fork of the American River out of Blue Canyon for awhile, but it’s too hard to get down to. So I joined Dave McCracken’s club. With 70 + miles of claims on the Klamath and Tributaries it should give us some good prospecting. I’m building a highbanker down in my shop and we’ll see how that works out. It should be pretty good as I’ve looked at quite a few and I”m a Hydraulic engineer and owned a fire sprinkler company for 20 + yrs. until last Jan. when I turned it over to my son. So I should be able to make something that works. Looking forward to a move up into the Redding Area along the Sac. River. The Bay Area is too far to travel. I am really enjoying your videos and posts. I had some geology courses in college but never paid that much attention. So I’m going to go back and take some more when we move.
Thank you for what you do for the sport, recreation, and adventure that is gold mining and prospecting.
I have been trying to pan some stuff from the Kern river in Cali. The black sand seems to stay and he flakes go away. Does that mean its fools gold?
Generally the gold will stay under the black sand. One exception is when the gold is very fine and comes in contact with oil from a contaminated pan or some sun screen from a hand.
The oil can make small particles of gold less dense than the material above it. In fact it will float flour gold right on top of the water. So. I always scrub new pans with soap before use.
I live in Montana beside Yellowstone National Park , my area is covered with gold mines and a source of gold right out of the mountains, the area that I search is in a small creek bed and , the only thing that I have came up with so fare is nothing but pyrite , The funny thing is I know that there is gold in this creek but where?please tell me what I should do! I have been looking for a year now and only too my disapiontment , have not found anything, I love the hunt and where it takes me but it sure would be nice to find some thing even if it where dust I would be happy, can you help me? Fred.
You’re finding pyrite is actually a good sign. Is it iron pyrite (cubic gold colored crystals) or copper (chalco pyrite – often has rainbows with gold colors)?
Pyrite and other sulphide ores are often found with gold and silver deposits. You need an accurate mapping of the mines in the area as well as a description of the type of gold deposit (sub surface vs. surface/placer.)
Downstream from placer finds is a good place to start, then work upstream toward prior finds.
Are you digging to bedrock when you sample in likely spots?